dbExpress Media Import

When you are using the Database functionalities with your project, you can use the Media Import Dialog in order to populate your database with existing files such as pictures, videos or Audio files.

The Import Media Window

From the Database Manager Window, select the Import Medias button from the Toolbar.

  • Media Type

    Picture files, Audio files and/or Video files can be imported into the database in two ways:

    1. Drag a file or files from Finder onto the Import Medias Window area. Then drop the file or files onto the Media Window Area.

    2. Select the Browse Button. This will open Finder. Navigate to the File or Files that you wish to use. Select one or more files and choose the import button.

  • Max Image Size

    When importing a picture, the maximum height or width can be set. All images with a greater size than has been set will automatically be resized. The default value is 1200px.

  • Import in category

    Choose the default category where you want to import the files.
    Note that you can move the records from one category to another one just by dragging & dropping them within the database Manager .

  • Hierarchy

    Choose the default category where you want to import the files.
    Again, note that you can move the records from one category to another one just by dragging & dropping within the Data Manager Window Display Area.

  • Items List

    Choose with the Browse button the files you want to import, or just drop the files from your desktop to this list.

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